territory management
The legislature mandates the pharmaceutical industry to ensure within the context of care research that physicians are informed of current forms of therapy and that regional oversupplies and/or undersupplies be avoided. At the same time, the direct passing on of corresponding revenue data to sales reps has been excluded (in Germany) within the framework of the German Act on reinforcing SHI competition (GKV-WSG).
With our territory management, SALETELLIGENCE provides a solution for the statutorily compliant presentation of the care situation. In map and list presentations, 2-dimensional revenues and potentials are present in up to 3,400 segments within Germany (in Austria and Switzerland, we are using regional segment structures as well). The own products as well as competitors’ products are mapped colour-coded.
Developments within the segments immediately catch the eye due to trend analyses in the form of arrows. You can see at a glance: Where are prescriptions increasing? Where is the market share increasing?
By simply navigating you obtain additional information regarding the territory and the physicians practicing therein. Company-specific, further useful additional information such as the latest contact data or comments can be displayed.
A multitude of employees of various companies is already enjoying our solution for the analysis of the supply situation. With it, territories become well structured and can be operationalised.
Furthermore, we provide our customers with far-reaching design options in the presentation and in the inclusion of additional information.

The pharmaceutical data is processed such that it can be interpreted quickly and intuitively.

Detailed information is displayed to customers as well.
In a nutshell: The detailed territory management of SALETELLIGENCE is intuitively comprehensible and extremely effective. And it works everywhere, even offline. In this, data protection and compliance with the GKV-WSG (in ensured) are ensured 100 %.

Maps and pharmaceutical data are provided continuously with the current data. Business Intelligence