Securing sales potentials by re-targeting the customer target group
For product launches with unknown target groups, professional targeting is firmly on the to-do list of almost all healthcare companies.
But even with established products, depending on market dynamics, a re-targeting should be carried out every 2 to 3 years. Retirements, practice relocations and new openings alone result in changes of between 10-20% – and that every year! In addition, there are competitor dynamics, changes in patient flows and many other factors which, over time, require a re-targeting of the target group.
It is still true that good customer targeting is one of the biggest SFE levers!

Figure: Increasing potential coverage through re-targeting
In our data-based targeting process, existing sales force information is used and supplemented with a variety of specific information on the target group (e.g. regional prescription information, work/interest focus, practice performance, sociodemographics, information on the environment and much more). Thus, a meaningful and valid evaluation basis is first of all generated.
With the help of our statistical evaluation methods, up to 500 characteristics can then be included in the customer evaluation at the same time. That is of course considerably more information than a sales representative can take into account!
The information with the highest targeting influence is then presented transparently in the sense of a plausibility check. Additionally extensive quality checks including validation rounds are carried out with the sales force.
The result is then a current assessment of the target group, which raises the view beyond the horizon and can also be used as an optimal basis for further questions in sales planning (e.g. adaptation of territory structures, changes in the size of the sales force, etc.).