SALETELLIGENCE Pharmacy Cluster in use for Medical Cannabis
For the innovative industry of healthcare companies operating in the field of medical cannabis, continuous patient care is an essential sales task. Therefore, manufacturers must provide prescribing physicians with comprehensive and regular information on the still young topic of “medical cannabis”. It is also important to find dispensing pharmacies to ensure patient care or to win them over for the sale of medical cannabis.
Currently, only a few of the 19,500 pharmacies in Germany supply patients with medical cannabis. SALETELLIGENCE has researched these pharmacies and taken a closer look at them. In the process, we were able to identify certain peculiarities. For example, pharmacies from the SALETELLIGENCE pharmacy cluster “Topperformer” (pharmacies which are particularly commercially oriented and see and develop new business opportunities) are already active pharmacies for medical cannabis much more frequently. The proportion of pharmacies offering phyto-products in this group is also much larger than in the population as a whole.
With these analysis results and other data sources, we can support healthcare companies in the targeted care and approach of pharmacies for medical cannabis.

SALETELLIGENCE pharmacy cluster
You are welcome to get more information about the application possibilities of our pharmacy clusters or about analysis options in the field of medical cannabis from Mr. Walter personally: +49.(0)521.2997-403
(Please note that we only advise healthcare companies and cannot answer any private enquiries on the subject!)