Profiling of medical labs in Germany

Currently around 450 medical labs are located in Germany. They have different activity areas, examination methods and test materials. In a customer project, SALETELLIGENCE has evaluated those attributes and general information (e.g. name, address, contact data, etc.) of medical labs systematically. In addition, contact persons for specific areas and co-operating hospitals were incorporated as well.

By using the SALETELLIGENCE data, our customer can select the medical labs relevant for his indications (e.g. human genetics) or with specific analyses. Campaigns and visits of the field force are with these insights more relevant for the medical lab customers, achieve better results and deliver a higher added value.

SALETELLIGENCE has conducted numerous customized projects in profiling special target groups during the past years. If you are interested in profiling projects of special target groups, please contact Mr. Walter personally: (D) +49. (0) 521. 2997-403, (A) +43. (0) 1. 8906351.